How it's DoneFlowsheet Development
Material and energy balance models are the engine to explore process design variables and their impact on costs. Sized equipment lists are updated as process variables change. Cost of Production Capital and operating costs are tabulated from flowsheet results and pricing assumptions. The design can be optimized or compared to alternative cases. Project Economics Cash flow models calculate investment metrics such as ROI and NPV. Models can accommodate various project assumptions such as construction time, sales build, and tax treatment. "Incremental economics" of optional project improvements are also useful. |
Who can benefitResearch and Development Organizations
As technology development progresses through funding stages, give your researchers the tools to quantify the economic impact of their progress. Focus on the most leveraging issues for commercial success. Technology Licensors Determine the value of license offerings to your customer. Assess opportunities for retrofit and new plant designs. Business Decisions and Analysis Chart your facility in a competitive landscape using industry cost curves. Evaluate alternative technologies for investment returns. Prioritize new investment opportunities on a consistent basis. |