Here's some short articles - "tips and tricks" you may find useful. Use the Contact form to suggest topics.
These materials are intended to facilitate a discussion on chemical process design and economics. The accuracy of data, calculations, and graphs are not guaranteed. Process Evaluations LLC is not responsible for any use or misuse of these materials. The examples contained herein are for illustrative purposes only.
These materials are intended to facilitate a discussion on chemical process design and economics. The accuracy of data, calculations, and graphs are not guaranteed. Process Evaluations LLC is not responsible for any use or misuse of these materials. The examples contained herein are for illustrative purposes only.
Imputed Values |
Optimize Campaign Order |
Reboiler Debottleneck |
Calculate the value of intermediate streams in your process
Use Excel Solver to figure the lowest cost batch sequence
Seven Easy Steps you can use in Excel to evaluate capacity in your steam heated reboiler.